Animal Species Of Burleigh Heads Beach, Australia

Animal Species Of Burleigh Heads Beach, Australia

Burleigh Heads Beach is a captivating slice of nature’s paradise. Its sun-kissed sands and azure waters aren’t the only attractions here – this coastal haven is also home to a vibrant tapestry of wildlife. From the ethereal songs of lorikeets to the gentle rustling of wallabies in the dappled rainforest, Burleigh Heads Beach is a sanctuary for both nature enthusiasts and curious travelers.

Some Animal Species At Burleigh Heads Beach

  • Koala
  • Wallaby
  • Eastern Grey Kangaroo
  • Common Brushtail Possum
  • Sugar Glider
  • Dingo
  • Humpback Whale (seasonal)
  • Bottlenose Dolphin
  • Australian Fur Seal
  • Common Dolphin
  • Eastern Water Dragon
  • Short-beaked Echidna
  • Southern Right Whale (seasonal)
  • Flying Fox
  • Swamp Wallaby



Koalas, with their fluffy ears and sleepy eyes, are the darlings of Burleigh Heads Beach. These marsupials spend most of their lives in eucalyptus trees, munching on leaves and dozing off in a contented haze.



Wallabies are like petite kangaroos, often seen bounding through the bush. Their compact size and agile leaps make them a charming sight as they explore the beach’s fringes.

Eastern Grey Kangaroo

Eastern Grey Kangaroo

Eastern Grey Kangaroos, the giants of the beach, graze in the nearby fields. With their muscular frames and powerful hind legs, they are a symbol of Australian wildlife strength.

Common Brushtail Possum

Common Brushtail Possum

These cute possums are nighttime acrobats, often seen scurrying along branches or nibbling on fruits after dark.

Sugar Glider

Sugar Glider

Sugar gliders are small, gliding marsupials that gracefully soar from tree to tree, displaying their aerial skills as they search for food.



Dingoes, wild dogs of Australia, can sometimes be spotted along the fringes of Burleigh Heads Beach. They are known for their tenacity and adaptability.

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

During the whale migration season, these gentle giants grace the waters off Burleigh Heads Beach, delighting onlookers with their breaching and tail slapping.

Bottlenose Dolphin

Bottlenose Dolphin

Bottlenose dolphins are frequent visitors, often seen frolicking in the surf. Their playful antics are a joy to witness.

Australian Fur Seal

Australian Fur Seal

Australian fur seals can be spotted lounging on rocky outcrops, taking in the sun and occasionally slipping into the waves for a swim.

Common Dolphin

Common Dolphin

These sleek, fast-swimming dolphins are often seen racing alongside boats, their playful nature a delightful spectacle.

Eastern Water Dragon

Eastern Water Dragon

Eastern water dragons are semi-aquatic lizards often spotted near water sources, basking in the sun or patrolling the banks.

Short-beaked Echidna

Short-beaked Echidna

Echidnas are unique egg-laying mammals covered in spiky quills, often seen foraging for ants and termites in the underbrush.

Southern Right Whale

Southern Right Whale

Like humpbacks, Southern Right Whales make seasonal appearances, showcasing their immense size and grace as they migrate along the coast.

Flying Fox

Flying Fox

Giant fruit bats known as flying foxes take to the skies at night, their dark silhouettes contrasting with the moonlit sky.

Swamp Wallaby

Swamp Wallaby

These shy marsupials are often seen in the coastal scrub, munching on leaves and blending seamlessly into their surroundings.

Final Thought

Burleigh Heads Beach, with its diverse wildlife, serves as a testament to the beauty and wonder of the natural world. It reminds us of the importance of cherishing and preserving such unique ecosystems for future generations to cherish and admire.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What animals can be found at Burleigh Heads Beach in Australia?

Ans: Seagulls, crabs, and small fish are commonly seen at Burleigh Heads Beach.

Q: Are there any turtles at Burleigh Heads Beach?

Ans: Yes, sea turtles, such as loggerheads and green turtles, can be spotted near the shore.

Q: Do dolphins visit Burleigh Heads Beach?

Ans: Occasionally, dolphins like bottlenose dolphins swim near the beach.

Q: Are there any kangaroos on Burleigh Heads Beach?

Ans: No, kangaroos are not typically found on the sandy shores of the beach.

Q: What precautions should be taken to protect the animals at Burleigh Heads Beach?

Ans: Visitors should avoid littering and follow local guidelines to safeguard the wildlife and their habitat.

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