Write For Us

Guidelines For Travel Contributors

Thank you for considering contributing to our travel guide website! We appreciate your interest in sharing your travel expertise and experiences with our audience. To maintain the quality and consistency of our content, we have put together a comprehensive set of guidelines to help you craft an engaging and informative article.

1. Topic Selection

When choosing a topic for your travel guide article, keep in mind that our website caters to travelers looking for insightful information and practical advice. Please select a topic that aligns with our niche, such as destination guides, travel tips, itineraries, or personal travel stories.

2. Originality And Uniqueness

We value original content that offers a fresh perspective on travel destinations and experiences. Avoid submitting articles that have been previously published elsewhere, and ensure your submission is unique and not duplicated on other websites. Moreover, the content should be creative and increase the curiosity level of the reader.

3. Content Quality

We aim to provide our readers with high-quality, informative content. Please adhere to the following guidelines to ensure your article meets our standards:


Verify all information and facts to ensure accuracy. If you include statistics, prices, or other data, provide the most up-to-date information available.


Keep the content relevant to the chosen topic. Avoid straying off-topic or including unnecessary details.


 Create content that captivates readers from the beginning. Use descriptive language, storytelling techniques, and engaging visuals when appropriate.


Organise your article with clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points to enhance readability. Break up long paragraphs to make the content more digestible. For example:

  1. XYZ (Headings1)
  2. ABC (Headings2)
  3. HJK (Headings3)

4. Word Count

Please aim for a word count of around 1,000 words. This allows you to provide sufficient information without overwhelming the reader. We will not accept more than a thousand words of content for our website. So, summarise the article within 1000 words.

5. Formatting

Formatting guidelines are given below:

 SEO Title

Craft a compelling and descriptive title that accurately represents the content of your article. Titles should be between 60-70 characters.


Provide a concise introduction that gives readers a clear idea of what to expect from your article. Include the main points you will cover.


Use subheadings to segment your content into logical sections. This helps readers scan the article and find the information they need quickly.


If you have relevant images, provide them with appropriate captions. Images should be high-quality, properly attributed (if necessary), and relevant to the content. For content images, always use creative common licensee usage rights.


6. Citations And References

If you use data, quotes, or information from other sources, please provide proper citations and references in the article. This includes links to reputable sources or attribution as necessary.

7. Seo Best Practices

Keep this in mind while writing content for these SEO best practices.


 Incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout the article to improve its search engine visibility. However, avoid keyword stuffing.

Meta Description

 Suggest a meta description (150-160 characters) for your article to be used in search engine results.

External Linking

For the content that you will want to publish on our website, we will allow you only one external link for each content or article, which will be according to our requirements.

Internal Linking

We also have a policy for internal linking; for the content that you want to publish on our website, you will add up a minimum of two internal links for each content or article, and that is concerned with our requirements.

8. Editing And Proofreading

Before submitting your article, carefully proofread and edit it for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. We appreciate well-polished submissions.

9. Submission Process

To submit your article, please email it as a Word document or Google Doc to contact@tripipanda.com. Include any relevant images as attachments. We will review your submission and aim to respond within 24 hours.

10. Editorial Rights

We reserve the right to edit and make necessary changes to your article for clarity, SEO optimisation, and conformity to our style guidelines. We may also reject submissions that do not meet our standards.

11. Copyright

By submitting your article, you agree that it becomes the property of our website, and you grant us the exclusive right to publish, edit, and promote it. You may not republish the same article elsewhere.

12. Concerned Note

The content that is not considered community standards we will not accept. Restricted content policies are described below:

  1. Adult Content
  2. Gambling
  3. Casino
  4. CBD
  5. Other Illegal Niches 

Your Support Is Our Valuable Asset

Thank you for considering contributing to our travel guide website. We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions and sharing your travel knowledge with our readers. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at contact@tripipanda.com.

Happy writing and safe travels!


Write For Us – Travel Adventures Await!

At Tripipanda, we’re passionate about exploring the world and sharing our travel experiences with fellow adventurers. We invite travel enthusiasts, storytellers, and wanderlust-driven individuals to contribute their unique perspectives and travel tales to our platform. Whether you’re a seasoned globetrotter or a novice explorer, we welcome your insights and stories to inspire our community.

Travel “submit a guest post”
Travel “write for us”
Travel “guest post guidelines”
Travel “guest author”
Travel “contribute an article”
Travel “become a contributor”
Travel “submit travel tips”
Travel “guest blogger wanted”
Travel “submit your travel story”
Travel “submit an adventure”
Travel “guest post opportunities”
Travel “submit your journey”
Travel “write for our travel blog”
Travel “travel writer guidelines”
Travel “submit a travel article”

Travel + “write for us”
Adventure travel + “write for us”
Family travel + “write for us”
Solo travel + “write for us”
Budget travel + “write for us”
Luxury travel + “write for us”
Travel tips + “write for us”
Travel destinations + “write for us”
Travel experiences + “write for us”
Travel guides + “write for us”
Cultural travel + “write for us”
Hiking and trekking + “write for us”
Beach travel + “write for us”
Wildlife travel + “write for us”
Food travel + “write for us”

“Travel” + “blogs” + “write for us”
“Adventure travel” + “blogs” + “write for us”
“Family travel” + “blogs” + “write for us”
“Solo travel” + “blogs” + “write for us”
“Budget travel” + “blogs” + “write for us”
“Luxury travel” + “blogs” + “write for us”
“Travel tips” + “blogs” + “write for us”
“Travel destinations” + “blogs” + “write for us”
“Travel experiences” + “blogs” + “write for us”
“Travel guides” + “blogs” + “write for us”
“Cultural travel” + “blogs” + “write for us”
“Hiking and trekking” + “blogs” + “write for us”
“Beach travel” + “blogs” + “write for us”
“Wildlife travel” + “blogs” + “write for us”
“Food travel” + “blogs” + “write for us”

“Write for us” Travel Adventures
“Write for us” Explore the World
“Write for us” Wanderlust Travel
“Write for us” Roaming the Globe
“Write for us” Journey with Us
“Write for us” Trekking and Travel
“Write for us” Jet-Setting Tales
“Write for us” Travel Insights
“Write for us” Roam and Write
“Write for us” Exciting Travels
“Write for us” Globetrotter’s Voice
“Write for us” Your Travel Diaries
“Write for us” Backpacker’s Guide
“Write for us” Travel Enthusiast
“Write for us” Passport Adventures
“Write for us” Voyage Chronicles
“Write for us” Globetrotting Tales
“Write for us” Wayfarer’s Journal
“Write for us” Seeker of Adventures
“Write for us” Travel Wordsmiths
“Write for us” Expedition Explorers
“Write for us” Roaming Nomads
“Write for us” Vagabond’s Corner
“Write for us” Odyssey Chronicles
“Write for us” Traveler’s Notes
“Write for us” Sojourn Stories
“Write for us” Nomadic Narratives
“Write for us” Odyssey Outlines
“Write for us” Journey Jottings
“Write for us” Travel Trekker
“Write for us” Wayfarer’s Words
“Write for us” Travelers’ Tales
“Write for us” Expedition Experiences
“Write for us” Adventure Dispatches
“Write for us” Globetrotter Gazette
“Write for us” Roaming Chronicles
“Write for us” Odyssey Observations
“Write for us” Nomadic Notes
“Write for us” Voyage Vignettes
“Write for us” Trekker’s Tracks
“Write for us” Travel Stories Unleashed
“Write for us” Expedition Echoes
“Write for us” Journey Journal
“Write for us” World Wanderers
“Write for us” Odyssey Opinions
“Write for us” Traveling Words
“Write for us” Adventure Almanac
“Write for us” Roaming Reflections
“Write for us” Voyage Verses
“Write for us” Trekker’s Tales